Today is the first official day of the new school year.
We started at 9am talking about the September poem, what tokens we associate with September, and what September fells like to us.
LB started with handwriting. We're working through Jan Brett's Cursive pages before we begin the McRuffy Handwriting. She did two pages, one for her left hand and one for her right hand (we're all working towards being able to write with both hands). Next, she read and colored the two pages from her McRuffy reading book. We did the first lesson of Saxon math which went pretty well. She liked the morning meeting, and the first day didn't have any written work. I had planned to finish all of the seat work before we did history, but I forgot to do the ETC. She enjoyed excavating her dinosaur bones from the dinosaur kit. She had done her seatwork and found her first bone by 11am. She worked on her dinosaurs until around noon then did her phonics. Afterward, she ran errands with me and bought new shoes for school along with some snacks.
CC started with a cursive page for her left hand then started on a summary for history. By 11am, she had finished her summary. Apparently this is a skill that you can forget over the summer. She kept getting distracted by her sister, Grandma, me, the dog, the wind..... After she finished her summary, she took a break to help her sister dig for dino bones then dove into the first chapter of Life of Fred Decimals & Percents. Next she read the papers from the doctor about patellofemoral pain and worked on a section of poetry copywork. She was done with her work around 2pm.
Our first day of school went really well. I had planned less work for this week than we will typically do so that we can ease into our full schedule. I don't think I'd change a thing about the day. Next, I'll have to see how it works when I'm working and trying to do all of this. Oh well. At least today was nice and smooth.
1 comment:
Sounds like you first day went well. Mine went so-so. I hope to eliminate a lot of the dawdling and complaining
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