What we are using

03 May 2008

Planning update for Second Grade

I went through TOG and added books from Year 2 Unit 1 to my little planning sheet. I also planned out readers, writing, crafts, and tales. Here is a sample month. I am only planning three weeks each month and using the last week to catch-up on projects, readings, or to relax and only do the basics. We will have a ten week co-op in the fall in which we will do RS4K Chemistry 1, Girl Scouts, and lots of other things. I have also signed CC up for a one day a week enrichment where she will do Mandarin Chinese (if they get the teacher), science, art, music, robotics, and other "enriching" things. I have Lively Latin and plan to add that in January. This is still a work in progress, but I think I like how it is coming along. The * next to an entry means that TOG has a worksheet for that week.

1 comment:

Urban Mom said...

I like the idea of allowing "catch-up" time. Looks like a great scheudle!