What we are using

17 March 2009

Today at my school table

There was no school. I called an emergency "Unseasonably Warm" day.

It was too nice outside and I just couldn't justify sitting inside doing the same things when the weather demanded us to be outside. At Girl Scouts in the afternoon, three other mothers complained that they couldn't get their girls to focus and had a terrible day of school. Sometimes it is good to know when to throw down a picnic blanket instead of a gauntlet.

Hmm, now how many days until that magic number of 180? It is almost good that tomorrow is supposed to be 15 degrees colder than today.

1 comment:

Urban Mom said...

I whole-heartedly agree! It was 70-degrees here on Tuesday. I blew off school, blogging, everything. We went outside! It's been chilly since, of course. So it was completely worth it. That's the fun of homeschooling -- calling your own shots. Looks like it was a perfect day!