What we are using

09 January 2010


Ever wonder what you do while you wait for your son to arrive on the other side of the world?

After you get done crying, you Put your chin up and walk like a duck then register your 5yo for kindergarten for next year.

The plane just landed, but it will be a while before he makes it "home" so that he can let me know that he arrived safely. And of course I am planning to homeschool LB. I did the online registration so that I can enroll her in the enrichment school with her sister for next year. Apparently January is when you are supposed to start planning these things - kindergarten and semester's abroad.

1 comment:

Daisy said...

You really have both ends covered don't you? Kindergarten to College. There must be some additional wisdom bequeathed to women who have such range of sight. If nothing else, I bet you cherish the moments.