What we are using

26 September 2008

Weekly Report Week 4 - wow glad that one is over

It is good to keep things in perspective. Sometimes you don't know what the perspective is, but being flexible and knowing that your loved ones are the important things in life is the best you can do. This week had a mix of events. I won't label them as good or bad. They just were, and we dealt with as well as we could.

For school, our materials are working well. Can-Do Print is wonderful. CC enjoys the small printing style. We covered adjectives and choosing interesting words this week in writing - Just Write is still working great. Switching back to Math Mammoth 2B was jsut wat we needed. CC's work this week ranged from a page with 8 easy problems covering a concept to 20 double-digit addition with carrying problems. CC had no trouble with them. We did pangaea, continents, and oceans in earth science. We decided to put aside Latin for now since CC is doing Spanish and just now learning grammar. We've got a groove going.

I got pulled over by a nice cop that intended to tell me my taillight was out and found out my driver's license had been suspended for over a year because of that ticket I had put off paying in Texas. He took my license, but was nice about it.

LB got bitten by the tiny dog of our teen aged house guest and is now terrified to walk across the floor at home.

BB has discovered the perils of working at a place that requires a quota. Each day he has to register a certain number of voters or he will lose his job. He is becoming disheartened with our political system. It is a sad thing to see happen to an 18 year old.

Yesterday, we finally got the rest of the visa application in the mail, including photos and financial statements.

Last night, my mom fell down the stairs and seriously broke her foot. She is in bed until she sees an orthopedist on Monday. My hubby is wonderful at times like this. He is great at taking care of people. She may need surgery. She had been planning to go see my sister in a couple of weeks in Texas.

This morning BB learned that he had been awarded a scholarship! It is for 475,000 yen (which sounds more impressive in yen, but is SUPER cool and was very competitive). He is eligible for more scholarships in future semesters. They require students to compete for scholarships each semester.

This morning when it was time for school, CC opened her books and asked which page I wanted her to do for math. Normally, I have to drag her to the table for math. She was ready before I even had my second cup of coffee.

I'm not sure how my week was. It just was. We laughed, played, went on a lovely nature walk, went to co-op, played with friends, enjoyed family, loved each other, helped each other, and did the best we could.


the striped rose said...


I'm sending you hugs!

You have beautiful children.


Urban Mom said...

Oh my, that IS a BUSY week! Best wishes to your mom from Chicago.
