What we are using

12 October 2008

Week 7 The Plan

Is it really week 7? That just isn't possible. My calendar got off with the days somehow. We will just be starting day 26 tomorrow. Anyway, week 7 - yee ha. The BIG news is that BB got a promotion at work. He is now a field manager for the non-profit community activist organization! He also completed his online training that is required when you receive a federal student loan. He says the big thing he learned is that he will be in BIG trouble if he doesn't repay it.

The goal for school work this week is to get CC through 4 sheets of math, week 2 in WWE, 4 pages in Just Write, and start on the Middle Ages. She also needs to finish her sewing project since it is for LB's birthday.

For LB, I'd like to get her to sit with us at least once this week. I have the first list of words from Spell to Write and Read. I thought I'd use those lists since she likes to copy words. It would give some order to our writing.

My mom has a checkup on her broken foot Monday. We have co-op Tuesday and are going to learn to identify rocks and we're doing Row, Row, Row your Boat with the preschoolers. We're going swimming. We also need to weather-proof the chicken coop since we will have some freezing temperatures.

Sounds like an easy-peasy week.

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