What we are using

13 March 2009

A day at my school table

As I was downloading pictures for this week's report, I decided to make a separate post for a Day in the Life. This is a picture of what we used on Tuesday. As the girls were finishing breakfast, I pulled out the books for the day. On this day, I was focusing on science.

I put the books out then went back for more coffee. When I came back, CC had confiscated the space book. She wanted to know more about Jupiter because one of the boys in her Thursday school had told her something about it that she didn't agree with. I let her read the book while I drank my coffee and read email. I find it hard to pull her away from reading something she is interested in especially if it is something we were going to do anyway. She decided to use a paragraph from that book about the formation of the gas giants for her copywork instead of a poem.

After copywork, she did two word problems from the CWP book and two pages from Miquon of her choice then we played with the Judy Clock for a few minutes. We don't have an analog clock in the house and apparently I have managed to skip the time telling lessons in every math program we have used.

After math, I read from the other space book which is also by Sally Ride. It has lots of pictures about living on the space shuttle that the kids thought were great. They had never considered that it would take two people to make a peanut butter sandwich if you lived in outer space. They also thought the pictures of the astronauts sleeping weightless were hysterical.

CC did her cursive practice next. She worked on one set of strokes from the Spencerian book. She enjoys trying to make perfect marks in those tiny boxes. It drives my crazy, but I do it in my own little book too. Maybe it will make my handwriting better. Since she has started writing with the fountain pen for cursive, she prefers to do all of her writing with it. I won't let her use it for math, but she uses it for everything else. She thinks that she writes better with it.

We retired to the couch while I read a chapter from the book by Thich Nhat Hanh. We are learning about different relgions and this is one of the books I am using for Buddhism. We are using One World Many Religions as a base and then studying each religion in more depth.

We never did get to The Story of Clocks and Calendars or to the poetry book on Tuesday. Our day seemed to have a good flow the way it was, and we were ready to stop after our relgion section.

The kids went off to play, and we enjoyed the rest of our day. Before bed, I read books to LB of her choice. CC read to me a section from SOTW2 about how the English language changed over time as England was invaded while I braided her hair then I read a section about fuedalism in Europe. After that I read the first chapter from the book on Norse mythology that we are finally starting. I think we are really going to enjoy this book.

By this time, LB was deep asleep. The girls share a room and have the same bedtime. CC is allowed to stay up later to read. She read for about an hour from the One Thousand and One Arabian Nights then turned on her ipod and feel asleep to Grandmothers' Stories.

And that was our Tuesday school day.

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