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12 December 2009

Friends, Romans, Kids?

CC had her big Roman feast of a birthday party today. The party included a few of her closest friends plus lots of family. It was fabulous. We moved the dining room table then laid cushions on the floor to transform it into a triclinium. We made shields then used them in a silly-string battle. We learned to throw javelins, jump through hoops, and use a hot glue gun.

The house was filled with the sounds I love - happy, laughing children and adults. It was warm, bright, cozy, and perfect.

I think fun was had by all.

I love celebrations.


Our Westmoreland School said...

That is fantastic!

I am positive that everyone there will remember THAT for ages to come.

Also, thanks for the Bob Books sticker idea :)

Rose (dragons in the flower bed) said...

Your children are so amazingly, stunningly beautiful. The thoughtfulness shines right out of every picture.