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21 November 2008

Weekly Report - Week 10 sick

What happens at your house when you are sick? Can homeschool continue without a teacher?

We did math. The college invoiced and was paid. I think they sent the paper we need. We read some Shakespeare. CC did some copywork. The kids did more housework than usual. They played outside a lot. I am pretty sure the weather was nice

- at least I hope it was. CC did a lot of reading and helping with her sister. BB did a lot of asking if I needed anything and playing with the girls. He has also been working diligently on a section or two a day in his Life of Fred algebra to refresh for his placement test in January. LB did a lot of sitting on me and covering me up and pretending I was her baby. I think they all played Spore a lot too, but I'm not sure - the little one likes to make pink creatures. Hubby did a lot of worrying and fussing over me.

I did a lot of coughing and sleeping and trying to not talk since I couldn't breathe very well. I've had bronchitis many times before, but this was by far the worst. I'm not over it yet, but I'm getting better.


Dacia's School said...

Hope u feel better

Tonia said...

Hope you feel better soon. I hate being sick :(

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better soon, Karen. My older children are able to still do most of their school work when I am sick. My 7 yr old is able to do his ETC, handwriting, and math. Everything else just has to be let go. ;)

Your girlies are young, take a sick week!

Ruskin said...

Get well soon. Sometimes we just need to stop and think a while.

Robin M said...

So sorry to hear you are sick. Hope you feel better soon. Rest.

Urban Mom said...

Oh what a drag! That's what's hard about homeschooling... you can't leave a note for a sub! Hope you're up and about. And the pictures of the girls hiking are adorable (that one on the ledge would make me nervous too... dads always seem more laid-back about these things, huh?)